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Crime Prevention - Spring time

Crime Prevention Advice for the Spring

Don’t let burglars have easy access to your home

As the weather starts to get warmer people are more likely to leave their doors and windows open to ventilate their properties. Walk-in burglaries do increase during this time, so don’t be complacent.

If you cannot see the door or window, then it should be shut and locked. If you are out enjoying your garden, remember to shut and lock all windows on the front of your property.

Enjoy the lighter nights & better weather but make sure your home looks lived in if you go away.

Use timer switches on lights to make your home look occupied in the evenings.

If possible, leave a car in your driveway or ask a neighbour to park their car on your driveway whilst you’re away.

Ask a neighbour to check on your home while you’re away and move any post out of sight.

Cancel any regular deliveries such as milk and newspapers.

If you have a lawn cut it before you go away and trim back any bushes or shrubs that burglars could hide behind.

Lock away any valuable items such as pedal cycles – they may be safer in your home than in an outhouse or shed.


Working to keep North Yorkshire a safe place to live, visit & work please visit www.northyorkshire.police.uk.

Please report & suspect incidents at the time on 101, online or 999 if urgent.

Ring Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111 to remain anonymous.


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Message Sent By
Jayne Grace
(North Yorkshire Police, PCSO, Craven)

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