The Police
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Garage Burglary Manfield



Between 2330hrs on Saturday 18th January and 0515hrs the following morning a garage was broken into in Manfield.

The garage was of the roller shutter variety and had been forced from the bottom. Thieves entered the garage and have taken a Stihl hedge trimmer and a “Giant” e cycle.


Do you have any information which would assist North Yorkshire Police in finding those responsible and help keep your community safe?  


  • Did you or anyone who you live with, hear or see anything around the above time and date? 
  • Do you have any CCTV coverage capturing the incident, or anything happening on the street before or after? 
  • Do you have a vehicle with a dash-cam parked in the area? 

    If you can assist, please call 101 quoting reference 12250011128



    If you need any crime prevention or security advice, please use the following link https://www.northyorkshire.police.uk/cp/crime-prevention/   



    Crimestoppers - 0800 555 111

    Supporting Victims – 01904 669276


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    Message Sent By
    Gary SmithOwen
    (North Yorkshire Police, PCSO Rural Task Force, Richmondshire Rural Task Force)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials