Final Reminder - Survey Closes on Friday 21st February Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. North Yorkshire Police have been leading a problem-solving project outside Pickering Infants School, around matters of road safety and parking. This has involved collaboration with various agencies, including Highways, Yorkshire Housing, North Yorkshire Council and others. This survey seeks your opinion on whether the actions taken by agencies, as a result of this project, have had a positive impact on this issue. Alongside increased and targeted Police patrols in this area, many actions have taken place; some may be visible, while others may be have occurred in the background. Here are some examples: Reduction of the speed limit outside the school to 20mphRoad Safety education for pupils, including a local Police Road Safety poster competition.Production of improved Road Safety Banners for use outside of the school, featuring artwork from an Infants School pupil. Improvements to road markings in the area, including the Bus Stand and double-yellow lines placed on the corner of Crofts Ave - Ruffa LaneFacilitation of the “Permit Scheme”, securing the use of Eastgate Carpark for parents/guardians of the school on school-runsPolice positive-action letters sent out to addresses of vehicles reported to be parked inconsiderately in the area.On-the-spot engagement by Police patrols with drivers caught parking irresponsibly, blocking driveways, causing obstructions or hazards.Communication with parents via Information leaflets and in school newsletters.Request sent to the Road Safety Partnership for any available road safety products for the children crossing, following absence of the school crossing patrol.Signposting around green-travel school transport schemesHouse-to-house engagement with residents to understand concerns, and relieve community tensions around the issue.Installation of further “Keep-Clear” signage for some residents along Ruffa Lane.Requests for increased presence from Civil Parking Enforcement officers along Ruffa LaneRaising the profile of the issue by using social media, hosting a Pickering “Police & Parents” evening, and a performance about road safety outside schools - for parents - by the Pickering Junior School’s Mini Police Squad. Once again, thank you for your time in taking this survey. Kind Regards, Pickering Neighbourhood Policing Team.  Please click here to complete the survey